Sports Organized
Following Games are organized by our College during 2016-17
1. Cross Country- Boys & Girls (19th & 20th Aug -16, Intercollegiate)[ Total college participated-68 College, Students- 204 ][Chef gust- Dr.Mohit(Principal of Citybora college),Dr.Babasaheb Sangale(Pune dist Sports zone president,Dr.Ramesh Gaikwad(Pune dist. Sports zone secretary)
2. Chess-Boys & Girls (19th to 21 Sept-16, Intercollegiate)[Total college participated -101,Students-312][Chef gust-Mr.Pravin Gabate ,Dr.Ramesh Gaikwad,secretary, Pune dist. Sports zone]
3. Kho-Kho, Kabaddi & Cricket (5th to 6th Jan-17, Inter-school Yuva Karandak)[ Total school participated – 87,students-510] [Pradip Bhavu Vasant Kand ]
4. Net-Ball (Girls) (18th o 19th Jan-17, Intercollegiate zonal tournament)[Total 4 zones- Pune Dist,Pune City,Nashik Dist.,Nagar Dist.] Total students participated -51
5. MSBT W2 Zonal Matches -Women’s (2nd to 3rd Feb-17, State Level) [Inter engineering students sports association, Total girls participation- 628][IEDSSA secretary Prof.Nitin Waykole, Dr.Ramesh Gaikwad(Pune dist. Sports zone secretary]
6. MSBT -Volleyball –Boys (26thto 27th Feb-17, State Level) [Total 16 zonal team,Students participation-205][Mr.Srimant Tatya Zurunge,Social Worker,Lonikand]
College Achievements
1. Inter Colleges Cricket Men Tournament Winner ( Savitribai Phule Pune University Pune Dist.Sport Zone).
2. Cricket Boys (Zone Winner , Intercollegiate- SPPU).
3. Boxing Girls( 2nd Place Intercollegiate- SPPU)
4. Running Boys (1500mtr) 2nd Place Intercollegiate- SPPU.
5. Badminton Girls (3rd Place Intercollegiate- SPPU)
6. Chess Boys & Girls (9th Place, Intercollegiate- SPPU).
7. Selected in PUNE District Sports Zones University team.
8. Cricket –Girls (Priyal Prakash Kharate).
9. Cricket –Boys (Sanket Dalvi).