Mechanical Department

Life @ Mechanical (MESA)


The Mechanical Engineering Student Association (MESA) represents current students within the Mechanical Engineering Dept. at SRCOE, Pune .
Education is not preparation for life, education is life itself. Our goal is to organize social and professional activities which strengthen and enrich the community within the department and to help publicize various research activities within the department. Empower students with integrated personalities, academic discipline through emphasis on quality performance in every activity.
We organize social events, host talks by guest speakers and students, and help communicate with the department and the students.


Teaching: To provide a high-quality educational experience for undergraduate and graduate students that enables them to become leaders in their chosen professions.

Research:To create, explore, and develop innovations in engineering and science through undergraduate and graduate research.

Service: To provide beneficial service to the local, state, national, and international industries and communities via educational, technical, entrepreneurial and professional activities.


Developing new technologies to meet grand challenges in energy, environment, food, housing, water, transportation, safety and health.

Creating global, sustainable engineering solutions that meet the basic needs of all people.

Fostering global partnership and locally appropriate development.

Connecting practitioners with the joy of discovery, creation and application of engineering solutions to improve human life.