♦ Objective
1) The Primary aim of the IQAC is to develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the College.
2) The IQAC will provide greater clarity and focus in institutional functioning towards quality enhancement and facilitate internalization of the quality culture
3) The IQAC will contribute towards enhancement and integration among the activities of the College and institutionalize many good practices
♦ Functions
Some of the functions of the IQAC are :
1) Generating and promoting awareness on Quality sustenance.
2) To device procedures and mechanisms to maintain quality in all the operational aspects of the system-Teaching-learning-Evaluation process.
3) Measuring the outcome of academic performance of the institution.
4) Ensuring continuous improvement in all the operational aspects of the Institute.
5) To keep the institution abreast of quality sustenance activities through Workshops / Seminars / Demonstrations / Case Studies / Panel Discussions.
6) Developing realistic and attainable quality benchmarks for each of the academic and administrative activity through plan of action, internal assessment, workshops etc.
♦ IQAC Meeting's
Sr.No | Agenda/Topic | Link |
1 | IQAC Committee 2022-23 | Link |
2 | IQAC Agenda Meeting 2022-23 | Link |
4 | IQAC Agenda Meeting 2021-22 | Link |
5 | IQAC Agenda Meeting 2020-21 | Link |
6 | IQAC Agenda Meeting 2019-20 | Link |
7 | IQAC Agenda Meeting 2018-19 | Link |
8 | IQAC Agenda Meeting 2017-18 | Link |
9 | IQAC Agenda Meeting 2016-17 | Link |