
Criterion - 6
Governance, Leadership and Management

6.1 :- Institutional Vision and Leadership

6.1.1  The governance of the institution is reflective of and in tune with the vision and mission of the institution

Response :




To be the competitive and renowned technical institute imparting quality education for socio-economic development of our country.  




To prepare well cultured and knowledgeable technocrats by imparting quality education.




The institute follows decentralized and participative inclusive nature of governance. All stake holders, actively participate in the administrative, management and academic activities. The governing council, college development committee (formerly LMC – Local management committee) and various other committees have representation of teaching, non teaching staff (ladies and gents) academicians, industry experts, research and development member, student (girls and boys), parents, Alumni etc. There is complete transparency in the various activities of the institute, be it academic, co-curricular and extracurricular activities. Based on ones expertise/interest, members are involved in the activities. The governing council delegates authorities to chairmen, principal and registrar of the college and who in turn delegates authorities, power to other functionalities in the college. The Dean, HoDs, the coordinators/members- secretaries of various committees, cells/section in-charges etc. with their respective committee members, play an important role in taking decisions and implementing it. Thus the inclusive and participative governance and decision making is adopted. Time to time notices, circulars and information via social media/ICT tools is communicated to all the stake holders for smooth conduct of academic and administrative tasks.

e-Governance is incorporated in admissions, staff recruitments, library, accounts, student section scholarship, documentations, payment of fees, exams etc.


Perspective/strategic plan:-  


The institute has framed perspective plan to be implemented in a systematic way, and it aims at followings.


1. Institute aspires to get the recognition under 12(B) UGC act and permanent affiliation of university.
2. In next 10 years to be an Autonomous institute.



Faculty plays an important role for implementing the vision and mission statement of institute, as well as in decision making committees of the institute.


Besides, faculty in the capacity of class teachers, GFMs, project coordinators, etc. and also represent in various committees of the institute for day to day functioning of the institute. e.g. The committees are IQAC, Exam cell, Anti-Ragging, IIC, ICC, SWO, admission, Cultural & sport, academic audit, purchase, T&P, R&D etc., and thus along with academic, extra-curricular and co-curricular programs are conducted for holistic development of students.


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6.1.2  The effective leadership is visible in various institutional practices such as decentralization and participative management

Response :


The institute practices decentralization and participative management. Such an approach facilitates flexibility in decision making in a wide range of activities of the institute. The success of an institution is in collective effort of all stakeholders to effectively implement the institute’s vision and mission goals. Decentralized and participative management aims at participation of all stakeholders e.g. employees, students, Alumni, parents, industry person external experts etc. whose endeavors and contribution helps for overall development/growth of the institute and students. The participative management is applicable at all level of management namely strategic, functional and operational level. The governing council is the apex body for taking policy/strategic decisions and is responsible for guiding/directing and controlling the entire affairs of the institute and G.C. discharges all such power, duties and functions as may be necessary for the smooth conduct of entire activities of the institute to implement and practice decentralized and participative management various academic and administrative committees are formed by C.D.C. and are approved by G.C. and these committee are assigned with their duties and responsibilities and all such committees are functional. All the committees mentioned in article 6.1.1 are in place and are working to do their assigned task .Principal is the administrative and academic head who is assisted by registrar, Dean, Officer in-charge, HoDs, and section In-charge/Coordinators etc.


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6.2 :- Strategy Development and Deployment

6.2.1  The institutional Strategic / Perspective plan is effectively deployed

Response :


Core values of the Institution:


♦ Teaching – Learning to be excellent

♦ Engagement of community

♦ Participative and inclusive Governance / decision making by all stakeholders

♦ Holistic Development of students

♦ Sustainable Development of the campus.


Objectives of Perspective Plan:


In the meeting of IQAC the following objective of perspective plan are considered.

♦ To develop necessary qualities among staff and students.

♦ To imbibe the universal Human values among students.

♦ To contribute for development of students in particular and the nation in general.

♦ To strengthen ICT based Education.


Aim of Strategic Plan:


♦ Up-skilling of students to make them entrepreneurs and employable..

♦ To have excellent T-L process and consistently good results.

♦ To involve and engage more students in Learning.

♦ To have more industrial visits, motivation and guidance by Experts for better concept clarity and enhance emotional quotient.

♦ To have incubation centre and form conducive ecosystem for innovation and start-up activities.

♦ To provide state of the art ICT- infrastructure for blended (online-offline) T-L process.

♦ To encourage teachers and students to pursue research and publish articles in reputed journals.

♦ To motivate teachers and students to organize/participate in workshops/seminars/webinars etc. in upcoming technologies.

♦ To encourage teachers and students to attend STTPs and to get the Certification of NPTEL, MOOCs, refresher courses etc.

♦ To motivate students to participate in various national level competitions viz. Hackathons, e – BAJA etc.

♦ To achieve target of generating 80% of electricity with renewable source, plant and conserve green environment in the campus.

♦ To provide state of the art infrastructure for sports cultural activities so as to have holistic development of students.

♦ To further strengthen the Human values & Ethics courses, Social activities etc.


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6.2.2  The functioning of the institutional bodies is effective and efficient as visible from policies, administrative setup, appointment, service rules and procedures, etc.

Response :


The institute is established by Shree Ramchandra Education Society, Pune an educational trust, registered under society registration act 1960 with charity commissioner, and said trust manages, through it’s governing body council (G.B.) Shree Ramchandra College of Engineering, Lonikand, Pune. The G.B. of the institute is in place and is constituted as per the statutes of affiliating universities and guidelines of ACTE. Chairman of G.B., looks after the management of institute with the guidance/suggestions of other board members. Routinely meetings are conducted and MOUs are maintained. Decisions are taken unanimously and in a transparent way. G.B is the apex decision taking body. Next Comes the C.D.C. (formerly L.M.C.) which plays a vital role of day to day administration and implementation part of the decisions/policies of Governing body. The chairman of G.B. is also the chairman of C.D.C. and Principal is the member Secretary. It is also constituted as per the statutes of affiliating university. C.D.C. meetings are conducted regularly and MOUs are maintained. All the members discuss and are free to express their views. The decisions are taken unanimously & transparently. The decision making power is further decentralized by Principal to Registrar, Dean, HODs, Co-ordinators and Section In-charges. Further to this Principal in consultation with Registrar, HODs, co-ordinators etc., have constituted various committees to name a few, viz.Admission, Staff selection, IQAC, Academic monitoring finance/accounts, library, R&D, IIC, Grievances, Anti-ragging, Exam, time table, cultural, sports, placement etc. Each of the committee Incharges of each of the committee comprising of teachers, students, parents, Alumni, industry & academic mentors/experts carry out the duties/responsibilities entrusted on them. Thus the governance of institute is inclusive, participative and transparent in nature. The functions, frequency of meetings of each of the committee is well defined and is informed to all concerned. The organizational chart is uploaded and document can be viewed on given link.


♦  Service Rules: Institute follows the service rules/guidelines of AICTE/ DTE/ Govt. of Maharashtra, Affiliating University and the Governing Body of the institute.


♦  Procedures: The procedures/actions are being taken/followed by all concerned committee incharges & members as per the guidelines of regulating bodies viz. AICTE, DTE, University, Governing Body, C.D.C. etc.


♦  Recruitment: For teacher recruitment usual procedure of finalization of roster/workload calculation etc. is verified & done by university and accordingly posts are sanctioned based on AICTE / DTE approved intake. Publication of post is done through local papers or e-publication and then the statutory selection committee appointed by V.C. of affiliating university conducts interviews & selection is done.


In case of ad-hoc appointment of teachers, local selection committee of the college approved by Principal& Chairman /Secretary of the trust, complete the interviews & selection process for non –teaching staff C.D.C does the work of Interview & Selection.


♦  Promotional policies: CAS, CR/360-degree feedback mechanism is available as per which the policy is implemented.


♦  Grievance release mechanism: is in place and functional. It is constituted as per the guidelines of AICTE, DTE and affiliating University.


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6.2.3  Implementation of e-governance in areas of operation


1. Administration

2. Finance and Accounts

3. Student Admission and Support

4. Examination

Response : A. All of the above


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6.3 :- Faculty Empowerment Strategies

6.3.1  The institution has effective welfare measures for teaching and non-teaching staff

Response :


The Career Advancement Scheme is in place and the institute’s rules/regulations regarding promotion etc. are available and are implemented from time to time.


CAS for non-teaching and technical employee is also in place and is incorporated in by the Institute rules etc


Effective welfare measure and support by Institute:

1. The Institute has implemented self performance appraisal system based on student's satisfaction regarding academic and other co-curricular activities. Also 360-degree feedback system is implemented depicting the teacher's contribution towards teaching-learning processes/activities at department level as well as at college level and the same is assessed/monitored by HoDs/Principal and the chairman of the C.D.C.(formerly LMC).


2. Teachers are motivated to attend the workshops, seminars, webinars etc. and whenever necessary maximum up to 50% of the financial assistance is given. They are granted leave accordingly.


3. Teachers are allowed to attend FDP, industrial training etc. for their CAS requirement as well as for their personal growth to enhance of the technical knowledge and also for benefit of students.


4. Institute motivates teachers to apply for Research Grants, consulting project, publication of research papers. A conducive ecosystem such as journals, address of funding agencies, and support of industry in this regard is made available.


5. Teachers are provided with NPTEL, MOOCS, SWAYAM, online lecture series, the summer winter school and various seminar, webinar of AICTE/UGC etc. are made available and are allowed to attend it.


6. The NITTTR lecture series, FDP's, the short term training courses on emerging areas are made available and teachers are permitted to attend the same.


7. The medical insurance, advance amount required, (if any) it is available for both teaching and nonteaching staff.


8. Teachers are encouraged to pursue Ph.D. in their respective field of interest. All sort of help in terms of the study leave, adjustment of the vacations, permission for travel for paper and progressive seminar presentation is given.


9. Employees are given the increment as per the norms of the institute for acquiring the higher qualification.


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6.3.2  Average percentage of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies during the last five years

Response : 0  Number of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies year wise during the last five years


2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17
0 0 0 0 0


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to attend conference, workshops etc during the last
five years
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6.3.3  Average number of professional development /administrative training programs organized by the institution for teaching and non teaching staff during the last five years

Response : 7.6  Total number of professional development /administrative training Programmes organized by the institution for teaching and non teaching staff year-wise during the last five years


2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17
12 09 08 04 05


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Centres (UGC ASC or other relevant centres)
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training Programmes organized by the University
for teaching and non teaching staff
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6.3.4  Average percentage of teachers undergoing online/ face-to-face Faculty Development Programmes (FDP)during the last five years (Professional Development Programmes, Orientation /Induction Programmes, Refresher Course, Short Term Course ).

Response : 24.29  Total number of teachers attending professional development Programmes viz., Orientation /Induction Programme, Refresher Course, Short Term Course year-wise during the last five years


2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17
28 34 23 12 10


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6.3.5  Institutions Performance Appraisal System for teaching and non-teaching staff

Response :


The policy is a guide to the employees towards the performance appraisal and it ensures that work performance and training are required by employee are managed fairly and effectively.


A performance appraisal gives an individual employee and their HoD's /Section in-charges, an opportunity to see that is one’s contribution towards the self as well as Institute/Department development.

The AICTE has provided guidelines and 360-degree feedback form from Academic Year 2019-20 and the same format is followed by a SRCOE to get the self appraisal report from employees during each academic year. A circular was issued for information of all the teaching and non-teaching staff of the institute.
Calculations of credit points (as per AICTE recommendations from assessment year 2019-20) are shared with all staff by institute.




♦ To know what is expected from the staff

♦ Employee to receive feedback that aims to improve the performance

♦ To improve/raise the quality of the service rewarded so as to improve the standard by college

♦ Help to identify the areas where Improvement training and development needs are required.

♦ It is mutually agreed policy to achieve institute developmental goal(s) as well as progress in the employee career.


Employees are informed at least 4 to 5 weeks before the appraisals are received. A copy of self appraisal format is circulated by HoD’s/Section in-charges to the employees.


A copy of completed and signed self-assessment form, to be a returned to the HoD’s/Section in-charges within one week before the appraisal related meeting, with the staff.


Appraisal to be reviewed and to put remark/observations/recommendations/suggestions of the HoD’s/Section in-charges and then finally by head of the Institute. Wherever improvement by an employee is necessary, he/she is called and during one to one meeting with complete confidentially issue if any is discussed.


This is included in the institute’s HR policy.


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6.4 :- Financial Management and Resource Mobilization

6.4.1  Institution conducts internal and external financial audits regularly

Response :


The Institute carries out the internal audit and statutory audit of the Institute as per the provisions of the income tax act.


1. M/s P. C. Patil and Associate, Pune conduct the internal audit after every 3 months as per the standard norm of the audit and submit the report to management of the Institute; For the effective control of the financial activities and to make the proper discussion regarding financial management.


2. M/s P. C. Patil and Associate (Chartered Accountants) conduct the statutory audit at the end of each Financial year as per the Norms of the income tax act. The audit report duly signed by the auditor is presented in the G.B. of the college/C.D.C for their consideration and final approval.


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6.4.2  Funds / Grants received from non-government bodies, individuals, philanthropers during the last five years (not covered in Criterion III)

Response : 0  Total Grants received from non-government bodies, individuals, Philanthropers year wise during the last five years (INR in Lakhs)


2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17
0 0 0 0 0


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during the last five years
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6.4.3  Institutional strategies for mobilisation of funds and the optimal utilisation of resources

Response :


The institution has definite strategies to make sure for mobilization of funds and proper utilization. The Institute is private and un-aided and therefore the major source of receipt of funds is “fees of the students”. The R&D, IIC cell/startup cells etc. are motivated to get the financial assistance for research projects, setting up the center of excellence etc. The funds received under QIP(Quality Improvement Programme) from AICTE/PMKVY/University are very much encouraging and the Institute with the assistance of teaching and non-teaching staff, has successfully implemented/ utilized the funds received. Under the CSR facility of Barclays, they provide free of cost soft skills and personality development training to our students. The funds received under the “testing” is also encouraging but needs to be further increased.


The short term training courses, expert lectures, guest lectures, industrial tours/visits are organized for the up skilling of the teachers and students and for this purpose and funds are effectively utilized.


For maintenance of the labs/PCs/civil-electrical-mechanical maintenance etc. expenses for day-to-day Administration, AMC for various items viz. lift, fire system, software up-gradation etc. And IT related maintenance, books purchase and miscellaneous work, the resources are meticulously expended. For smooth conduct of the academic and extra-curricular activities, various committees are constituted. The Departments and other committees submit their requirements budgets to purchase committee/C.D.C etc. Depending upon the suggestions of the IQAC, C.D.C, appropriate decisions are taken in respective committee meeting and suitable decisions are taken for the fund mobility and proper utilization of funds.


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6.5 :- Internal Quality Assurance System

6.5.1  Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has contributed significantly for institutionalizing the quality assurance strategies and processes

Response :


Institute has constituted IQAC and is very much functional. It has taken many initiatives for the quality improvement in the institute for the overall development of the staff and students.


The quality assurance strategies and processes incorporated by IQAC are briefly tabulated here.


Table 6.5.1 - Process flow IQAC Activity Responsibility Output
01 Principal appoints IQAC Coordinator Principal. IQAC Coordinator
02 IQAC Coordinator draft a notice in consultation with principal for formation of IQAC
committee members from each department


IQAC Coordinator

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03 Meeting of IQAC Coordinator with
committee members is scheduled once in a semester


IQAC Coordinator

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04 IQAC academic monitoring as per the schedule,
review of learning outcomes, proposes suggestions
and action plan.
IQAC committee

HOD and

concerned staff

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05 Report is submitted by committee members to IQAC
IQAC Coordinator



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06 Consolidated report prepared by the IQAC
Coordinator is submitted to Principal
Principal. View Document


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6.5.2  The institution reviews its teaching learning process, structures & methodologies of operations and learning outcomes at periodic intervals through IQAC set up as per norms and recorded the incremental improvement in various activities ( For first cycle - Incremental improvements made for the preceding five years with regard to quality For second and subsequent cycles - Incremental improvements made for the preceding five years with regard to quality and post accreditation quality initiatives )

Response :


The teaching learning process needs to be adopted and reviewed as per the ever changing need of an hour as well as the demand of the industry to fulfill their requirements/necessity. The teachers in consultation with HoD’s, Principal etc. contribute significantly and explore the different mechanism to make the teaching learning more effective and value addition in the content and knowledge transfer.


After the first cycle of the NAAC accreditation everything that is teaching and non teaching staff are motivated and they have realized their important role in putting their best efforts towards the quality improvement in the teaching and learning evaluation processes.


The IQAC in its meetings discusses the issues regarding T-L pedagogy, exam reforms (proposed by AICTE), extensive use of ICT in lectures/lab sessions for better concept clarity, up gradation of infrastructure etc. and the same is being informed from time to time to teachers and students. More emphasis is given on Outcome Based Education (OBE) and in that context the quality initiatives/measures are taken for better T-L Process.


(1) Syllabus/Curriculum deployment: The institute being affiliated institute, the curriculum is provided by the university. However the interactions with Alumni, experts from industry, technological changes etc., teachers are advised to take the help of NPTEL lecture series, NITTTR webinars/FDPs etc. on latest emerging areas. Also they are sent to industry for hands on training. Students are asked to take up internships, electives are offered in the emerging areas and live projects are being undertaken by students, so as to keep a pace with the time. In this context industries in-and around us as well as AICTE, W/S, Seminars, Webinars, ATAL FDP’s etc. are proving to be of immense help to teachers and students, in curriculum deployment and enrichment. Guest faculty, industry experts are invited (either in online/offline mode) for conducting lectures/practicals etc.


(2) Exam Reforms: AICTE has come-up with exam reforms and importance is given to critical & creative thinking and Revised Bloom's Taxonomy is to be incorporated. Institute has issued circular and all teachers are made aware about the revised exam reforms of AICTE and the teachers are encouraged to attend the workshops on the same.


(3) Classroom and Lab Sessions: The Time-Tables of classes and lab/practical sessions are prepared and is made known to teachers and students well in time and as per schedule, they are engaged by the teachers. The Faculty explains the fundamental concepts and relevance of each of the topic being taught with the real life or practical situations. Also the importance of inter- disciplinary knowledge necessary for solution of a real life problem, is told to the students. While a particular subject is taught, due emphasis is given to concept clarity (at times it is told/taught in a vernacular language for better understanding), mathematical and quantitative analysis, numerical problem solving, data analysis, data interpretation and comparison with real life data and limitations, if any. Teachers use extent possible, ICT-tools/platforms viz. PPTs, Audio-videos, animations, simulations, sharing of e-contents for practical, Lab view techniques etc. for making sessions more vibrant, live, attractive and fruitful. In Covid-19 pandemic the ICT tools were exhaustively used and IQAC organized sessions on “How to effectively use ICT Platforms” for effective and interactive T-L Process. The continuous evaluations in the form of class/unit tests, assignments, self studies, presentations by students, oral etc. are conducted and evaluated learning outcomes. HoD’s, Dean, Principal regularly monitor the execution and progress of the T-L and evaluation process.


(4) Therefore classroom teaching-learning pedagogy should change from remembering and understanding to application, Innovation and creative part of T-L Process. Rubrics are being designed for each of the course to access the higher levels of learning outcomes as per Bloom’s Taxonomy and accordingly teachers are encouraged/are being trained by AICTE on “How to set the Question Papers” as per these reforms. All teachers are encouraged to attend these webinars and the students are also informed about the same. IQAC is doing it’s best for bringing this change in the minds of teachers and students.


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6.5.3  Quality assurance initiatives of the institution include:

1.Regular meeting of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC); Feedback collected, analysed and used for improvements

2.Collaborative quality intitiatives with other institution(s)

3.Participation in NIRF

4.any other quality audit recognized by state, national or international agencies (ISO Certification, NBA)

Response : B. 3 of the above


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